Old Southlands Stables
in Vancouver offers :
Full Board Only
We welcome all disciplines
Retraining, rehab, pleasure riding, competitive riding, retirement
We are an adult-oriented, low traffic barn
On site live -in operator - to ensure prompt attention to horses 24/7/365
Large in-out stalls - to encourage freedom of movement
Seasonal 1 acre field- for optimal socialization
Large Foaling shed with WIFI
Turnout in the ring permitted all year- to maintain fitness naturally
Wooden fencing- to enable horses to interact
Generous bedding- to encourage normal sleeping patterns
24 hr. Local first cut hay only- to maintain digestive health
Wash rack
Ring with LED lights
Grooming stall
Friendly and supportive atmosphere
Insured instructors welcome
Horse Boarding in Vancouver - right inside Vancouver city limits!
All boarders must have
valid HCBC membership
Melissa Montgomery
Melissa is a graduate of Queen Margaret's School.
Melissa spent her formative years with horses.
Melissa has 20 years experience rearing and training horses.
Melissa welcomes horsey people of all disciplines
& their equine partners .
Located in the south west corner of Southlands, OSS is right next to the trails .
Monday - Sunday: 7am - 10pm